
Leetcode - Hard

84. Largest Rectangle in Histogram [Original Spec] [2024-01-21]

class Solution:
    def largestRectangleArea(self, heights: List[int]) -> int:
        largest_area = 0
        asc_stack = [(0, 0)] # [(bar height, index of the bar), ...] ascending based on bar height
        for i, h in enumerate(chain(heights, (0,))):
            i2 = i # we keep track of last popped i2
            while asc_stack[-1][0] > h:
                (h2, i2) = asc_stack.pop()
                largest_area = max(largest_area, h2 * (i - i2))
            asc_stack.append((h, i2))
        return largest_area